For any one who knows the true way a family with more than one kid works, there is a generalization about the personality of each kid that rings true with 90% of the families in the U.S. The first kid being the golden child, the one who tries to make Mom and Dad proud. The over achiever. This is the child that was born first, so has gotten lot's of attention from the parents and grows up (mostly) just fine.
The second child now has to find a way to get some of that attention. So to counteract the first child, this one is usually the wild one. The one who tries drugs, smoking, drinking, pushing the rules. Negative attention is still attention. This one is always getting into trouble. Always pushing the limits.
Third child needs to find their own way to get some attention. You have the over achiever, you have the wild one, so, what else is there to do but be VERY independent. Also generally very helpful. No need to worry because this child sees the second one doing all the rough stuff, so this child wants to be the ANGEL. Might try a few things, but on a very small scale if at all. Usually HATES that the second child is doing the things they are doing. Very opinionated and seemingly set in their ways and an unusually young age.
If there is a fourth, that one could very likely be the loner. Absolutely independent, out on their own doing their own thing. A mix of all the first three, plus the one to take care of themselves.
Of course, I do not know anyone who reads this, but I bet I am pretty close. And handling each one of these personalities is a big challenge to most parents. It is not easy.